Road repair machine from Secmair offers versatility

Secmair is now offering its new CEPIA machine, which meets the requirements of road repairs. The unit is suited to spreading hot-mix as well as chip spreading and according to the firm, offers a massive increase in productivity over conventional tools used in manual processes. For applications where these materials are being spread manually, the CEPIA boosts the quality of mechanical spreading as well as reducing the arduousness of the task for a road crew.
Maintenance / September 14, 2017

Secmair is now offering its new CEPIA machine, which meets the requirements of road repairs.

The unit is suited to spreading hot-mix as well as chip spreading and according to the firm, offers a massive increase in productivity over conventional tools used in manual processes. For applications where these materials are being spread manually, the CEPIA boosts the quality of mechanical spreading as well as reducing the arduousness of the task for a road crew. The CEPIA unit also acts as a chipper and due to its versatility, can be used to carry out even small patching jobs while delivering a high-quality finish. Simple to use, the CEPIA unit can be operated without the need for any specific training according to Secmair. The firm has developed the unit to meet a growing demand for road repair solutions. This piece of equipment offers a more efficient method for chip spreading than conventional manual methods, offering better quality of work as well as higher productivity.
