Poland boosts road maintenance for 2025

Around 1.1% of the total length of national roads underwent repair and reconstruction at the end of 2023.
Maintenance / September 25, 2024 5 seconds Read
By David Arminas
Budget raised for Polish road maintenance (image © SensejG/Dreamstime)

The General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways (GDDKiA) in Poland has increased its road maintenance budget for 2025 to €645.45 million.

Currently, around 90 percent of national roads in the country are not in need of repair and 9 percent are suitable for repair works. Around 1.1% of the total length of national roads underwent repair and reconstruction at the end of 2023.

When Poland joined the European Union in 2004, it had 720km of expressways. This figure is projected to reach 8,000km, including 2,100km of motorways, by 2033.

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