Indian contractor Afcon is carrying out construction work on a key highway project in Gabon – image © courtesy of Rosevite2000, Dreamstime.com
Construction is commencing for the Transgabonaise highway in Gabon, Central Africa. The work is being carried out by the Indian contractor, AFCONS. The client for the project is Société autoroutière du Gabon (SAG).
In all the Transgabonaise highway route measures some 828km between the capital Libreville, and the city of Franceville, in the east of the country and close to the border with the Republic of the Congo. The route incorporates stretches of the N1, N2 and N3 highways.
AFCONS has a contract to rebuild and upgrade an 81km stretch of the route, with this work expected to take 18 months to carry out. Further tenders for work to improve other stretches of the route are planned in due course.