May 16, 2020 2 minutes Read
Albedo can impact pavement performance by a factor of between 10-15%.
May 16, 2020 3 minutes Read
Both pricing and – importantly – supply patterns will change.
May 14, 2020 6 mins Read
This issue we look at three case studies showcasing new technologies designed to deliver more sustainable paving solutions.
May 12, 2020 2 mins Read
The Inland Transport Committee (ITC) is the highest policymaking body of the UNECE in the field of transport. It held its 82nd session in Geneva.…
May 6, 2020 5 mins Read
An important step has been made with regard to improving data communications between construction machines
May 5, 2020 3 mins Read
Rome airport taxiway has benefited from rebuilding work.
May 4, 2020 2 mins Read
The International Road Federation was founded in 1948 with a mission to promote the exchange of best practices and the transfer of technologies from…
May 4, 2020 6 mins Read
A bridge project in northern Canada threw up some unexpected challenges, reports David Arminas, from the banks of the Peace River in Alberta
May 1, 2020
BOMAP is an innovative tool from BOMAG for digital construction
April 28, 2020 3 minutes Read
Emptier streets may be a green light for some US drivers to flaunt safety laws, reports the GHSA*.