Work moving ahead on Paraguay’s new roads

A series of major road contracts have been awarded in Paraguay, although delays are being seen on one key link. The country’s Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) gave its approval for a series of road contracts to be awarded. These four packages are worth over US$136 million and are for18 different sections.
Finance & Funding / November 21, 2018

A series of major road contracts have been awarded in Paraguay, although delays are being seen on one key link. The country’s Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) gave its approval for a series of road contracts to be awarded. These four packages are worth over US$136 million and are for18 different sections. The roads are located in Paraguay’s Eastern Region and have a total length of 483km. In all, Paraguay’s Eastern Region will benefit from upgrades to 943km of roads, with the 483km now allotted being the first part of this process. At present works to a further 53km are being evaluated while another 206km of road upgrades are being put to tender.

However delays are afflicting work on the San Lorenzo to Ypacarai section of Ruta 2. The work is being handled by the Rutas del Este consortium, headed by the Spanish contractor 3959 Sacyr. The original plan called for the work to be complete by December 2018, however heavy rain has delayed construction and paving operations. There are concerns over the safety of the route at present due to a lack of signage and signalling systems for road users.

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