US$738 million South Sudan to Ethiopia road link

A new US$738 million South Sudan to Ethiopia road link is planned.
Finance & Funding / July 10, 2024 41 seconds Read
By MJ Woof
A new highway will improve transport between Ethiopia and South Sudan - © Habte Zewge |

South Sudan and Ethiopia have agreed on the need for a new road linking the two East African nations. The 220km route is expected to cost US$738 million to build. The route of the new road is expected to connect Paloch, Mathiang, Maiwut and Pagak.

Much of the funding for the work will be provided by Ethiopia, with South Sudan likely to trade oil in exchange. It is not clear whether further funding from international sources will also be required for such a large project.

Building the new highway will provide an important economic boost for both nations. That the two countries have made such an agreement following the years of instability and wars in the region is a positive sign. This is one of several major international road links being developed in East Africa at present.
