Serbia ponders penalties for Azvirt over Ljig-Preljina delays

The Serbian government has said it could issue penalties to the Azerbaijani construction company Azvirt for delays to work on the Ljig-Preljina Corridor 11 motorway project. Completion was set for the middle of next month. But last month the government said delays of around a month were due to problems construction the tunnel and bridge sections. The new route is expected to open around 40 days later than originally expected as a result.
Finance & Funding / September 9, 2016

The Serbian government has said it could issue penalties to the Azerbaijani construction company 5414 Azvirt for delays to work on the Ljig-Preljina Corridor 11 motorway project.

Completion was set for the middle of next month. But last month the government said delays of around a month were due to problems construction the tunnel and bridge sections. The new route is expected to open around 40 days later than originally expected as a result.

Minister of Transport, Zorana Mihajlovic, had stated that the government will want an explanation from the investor, Serbian roads company 3235 Koridori Srbije.

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