Poland: Rubau Polska makes lowest bid in S61Via Baltica tender

Poland’s road authority GDDKiA said that five groups have tendered for construction of a 17.5km section of the S61 Expressway. The section runs from Podborze junction to Sniadowo junction and all bids fall within the investor's budget of around €146 million. The lowest offer reportedly was from a Rubau Polska consortium, at around €112 million, while the highest bid was lodged by Budimex at around €139 million.
Finance & Funding / August 11, 2017

Poland’s road authority 1361 GDDKiA said that five groups have tendered for construction of a 17.5km section of the S61 Expressway.

The section runs from Podborze junction to Sniadowo junction and all bids fall within the investor's budget of around €146 million.

The lowest offer reportedly was from a Rubau Polska consortium, at around €112 million, while the highest bid was lodged by 3302 Budimex at around €139 million.

A date for announcing the winner has not been set.

Poland’s S61 is part of European route E67 – the Via Baltica - from the Czech capital Prague to the Finnish capital Helsinki by way of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Rubau recently celebrated the opening of the company’s first project in Serbia, construction of the north approach roads to the Sava Bridge in the capital Belgrade.

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