Together with Telvent's high-resolution street-level mapping, this customised layering technology allows users to intersect weather and traffic conditions with their own geospatial boundaries and assets. Industries ranging from energy to transportation will experience enhanced situational awareness as they can anticipate and track weather's impact on operations and crews. For example, a public works department will be able to see on one convenient interface the weather radar, live conditions, and the impact the weather is having on the flow of traffic in their district. Telvant says that with this data, better decisions can be made regarding snow fighting efforts.
Together with Telvent's high-resolution street-level mapping, this customised layering technology allows users to intersect weather and traffic conditions with their own geospatial boundaries and assets. Industries ranging from energy to transportation will experience enhanced situational awareness as they can anticipate and track weather's impact on operations and crews. For example, a public works department will be able to see on one convenient interface the weather radar, live conditions, and the impact the weather is having on the flow of traffic in their district. Telvant says that with this data, better decisions can be made regarding snow fighting efforts.