Parsons Brinckerhoff working on Detroit traffic plan

The Detroit Downtown Development Authority (DDA) has awarded a traffic research deal for the city's I-375 corridor in the US. Traffic and planning consultant Parsons Brinckerhoff won the deal, worth nearly US$373,000. The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the DDA will decide whether to convert the corridor into a surface street to improve pedestrian access or to reconstruct it. The study will also include consultation with major downtown employers like Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and G
Highway & Network Management / December 16, 2013
The Detroit Downtown Development Authority (DDA) has awarded a traffic research deal for the city's I-375 corridor in the US. Traffic and planning consultant 2693 Parsons Brinckerhoff won the deal, worth nearly US$373,000. The 2630 Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the DDA will decide whether to convert the corridor into a surface street to improve pedestrian access or to reconstruct it. The study will also include consultation with major downtown employers like Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan and 4070 General Motors, and the public and Detroit Riverfront Conservancy. The study will mainly be funded by MDOT, with donors including the Kresge Foundation and General Motors in underwriting the planning process. Completion of the study is projected in mid-2014.
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