New Zealand city tolling proposal

A form of tolling is currently being considered for the city of Auckland in New Zealand. The plan is being evaluated by The Auckland Council and New Zealand's Ministry of Transport.
Highway & Network Management / June 6, 2017

 A form of tolling is currently being considered for the city of Auckland in New Zealand. The plan is being evaluated by The Auckland Council and New Zealand's Ministry of Transport.

The aim of this tolling system would be to address traffic congestion and pollution levels in the Auckland’s central business district (CBD). Research is being carried out based on computer models of traffic flows in Portugal’s capital, Lisbon.

Proposals include an option to minimise the use of private cars in the CBD and to focus instead on the use of buses, taxis or ride sharing vehicles. At present Auckland suffers heavily from traffic congestion at peak periods and public transport facilities are limited, so many commuters rely heavily on the use of private cars.
