Motorway traffic in Brazil is increasing again, following three quarters of decreasing vehicle numbers on the roads. Road concessionaire CCR reported an overall 6.2% year-on-year increase in traffic April-June 2013, seeing growth of 10% on some of its motorways. 2688 Ecorodovias, meanwhile, recorded a 7.7% increase over the same period, said to be down to additional HGV traffic. Similarly, 7126 Arteris registered a 5.6% increase in motorway traffic in Q2 2013, expecting overall growth of 4.4% for 2013.
Brazil sees increase in motorway traffic
Motorway traffic in Brazil is increasing again, following three quarters of decreasing vehicle numbers on the roads. Road concessionaire CCR reported an overall 6.2% year-on-year increase in traffic April-June 2013, seeing growth of 10% on some of its motorways. EcoRodovias, meanwhile, recorded a 7.7% increase over the same period, said to be down to additional HGV traffic. Similarly, Arteris registered a 5.6% increase in motorway traffic in Q2 2013, expecting overall growth of 4.4% for 2013.
Highway & Network Management / August 20, 2013