Bertin and Atlantia partner to manage Brazil road concessions

Brazilian group Bertin is forming a partnership with Italian company Atlantia to merge the management of road concessions they both own in Brazil.
Highway & Network Management / March 19, 2012
Brazilian group Bertin is forming a partnership with Italian company Atlantia to merge the management of road concessions they both own in Brazil. It is reported that together the two companies will manage 1,500km of roads across the states of Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais, representing an estimated US$574 million in gross turnover. The south and east stretches of the Sao Paulo ring-road (Rodoanel) will not be included in the deal.

Toll-road operator Atlantia entered the market in Brazil when it acquired 50 per cent of the Triangulo do Sol concession from Leao & Leao in 2010, which manages 400km of roads in Minas Gerais. Atlantia's share increased to 80 per cent of Triangulo do Sol, a concession now included in the Bertin deal. Bertin's concessions Nascentes das Gerais, Rodovias das Colinas and Rodovias do Tiete are part of the Atlantia operation.
