IAM: We need Green Paper for young UK drivers now

UK road safety charity IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists) is calling on the Conservative party to take its “once in a generation” opportunity to refresh how people, especially young people, learn to drive by publishing its much promised Green Paper on new drivers as soon as possible. Road crashes are the biggest killer of young people in the Britain today. In 2011, 412 people died in incidents involving young drivers. It is four months since the Government revealed its plans to publish a Green Paper,
UK road safety charity IAM (5125 Institute of Advanced Motorists) is calling on the Conservative party to take its “once in a generation” opportunity to refresh how people, especially young people, learn to drive by publishing its much promised Green Paper on new drivers as soon as possible.

Road crashes are the biggest killer of young people in the Britain today. In 2011, 412 people died in incidents involving young drivers. It is four months since the Government revealed its plans to publish a Green Paper, and IAM say any delay in a review of the UK’s learner driver system means more young licence holders will die on the roads.

IAM director of policy and research Neil Greig said, “The UK has the safest roads in the world but with so many crashes involving new drivers, there is a clear urgency for the government to address the issues young people face on the roads. We must all do our bit to assist and make sure our road users are safe.  A Green Paper is a once in a generation opportunity to refresh our system of learning to drive and deliver long lasting benefits in road safety for all.”
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