Chile-Argentina tunnel loan for bidding

Further progress is being made with the Agua Negra Tunnel project, which will connect Chile with Argentina. A loan worth US$40 million is being provided by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). This loan will help deliver the bidding process for the project. Several bidders are being pre-qualified for the tender process. Construction of the tunnel itself is expected to take eight ant a half years with the work estimated to cost $1.6 billion. The tunnel will provide a safer and more reliable route than
Road Structures / December 14, 2016
Further progress is being made with the Agua Negra Tunnel project, which will connect Chile with Argentina. A loan worth US$40 million is being provided by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). This loan will help deliver the bidding process for the project. Several bidders are being pre-qualified for the tender process. Construction of the tunnel itself is expected to take eight ant a half years with the work estimated to cost $1.6 billion. The tunnel will provide a safer and more reliable route than is available at present. The existing mountain pass is frequently impassible in winter time and is not suited to heavy vehicles. The existing tunnel is also at high altitude and its portal areas can become blocked in winter, while it also suffers capacity issues. The new Agua Negra Tunnel will boost both traffic capacity and safety between the two countries. Its construction will be challenging however as the planned portal in Argentina in particular is in a remote area with comparatively difficult access, which will make the logistics process rather more complex than would be optimal.