Kuwait bridge to feature tolling system

Kuwait is planning to introduce tolling on its Sheikh Jaber Al Ahmad Bridge. This 43km causeway will commence operation at the end of 2018. With the opening of the causeway, journey times between Kuwait City and the area around Subiya will be reduced as the driving distance will be cut from 104km at present to just 37.5km. The plan to toll the link has been initiated by the country’s Ministry of Public Works, in line with tolling measures on long bridge links elsewhere in the Middle East and Europe. The rat
Road Structures / August 10, 2017

Kuwait is planning to introduce tolling on its Sheikh Jaber Al Ahmad Bridge. This 43km causeway will commence operation at the end of 2018. With the opening of the causeway, journey times between Kuwait City and the area around Subiya will be reduced as the driving distance will be cut from 104km at present to just 37.5km. The plan to toll the link has been initiated by the country’s Ministry of Public Works, in line with tolling measures on long bridge links elsewhere in the Middle East and Europe. The rates of the toll charges have still to be finalised but will be set so as to pay for the operation and maintenance of the link.
