Azerbaijan rebuilds and maintains roads during 2017

Azerbaijan managed to rebuild and maintain 1,335km of its road network during 2017. Around 314km of key national road links were improved, along with 889km of local roads. In the capital, Baku, 133km of roads were built or improved. The programme also included the construction of 15 bridges as well as repairs works to a further nine. For 2018 Azerbaijan intends to make improvements to 2,000km of existing road links.
Road Structures / January 23, 2018

Azerbaijan managed to rebuild and maintain 1,335km of its road network during 2017. Around 314km of key national road links were improved, along with 889km of local roads. In the capital, Baku, 133km of roads were built or improved. The programme also included the construction of 15 bridges as well as repairs works to a further nine. For 2018 Azerbaijan intends to make improvements to 2,000km of existing road links.
