Australia: US$1.39bn federal budget for Victoria’s East West Link second phase

The Australian government is providingUS$1.39 billion (AUD 1.5 billion) to finance the second phase of Victoria state’s 18km long East West Link road project. According to a statement, the infusion will allow both stages to be built simultaneously. As a result, the project could be completed by 2023. The second stage of the road project will link the Western Ring Road to the eastern section, connecting CityLink and the Eastern Freeway.
Road Structures / May 2, 2014
The Australian government is providingUS$1.39 billion (AUD 1.5 billion) to finance the second phase of Victoria state’s 18km long East West Link road project. According to a statement, the infusion will allow both stages to be built simultaneously. As a result, the project could be completed by 2023. The second stage of the road project will link the Western Ring Road to the eastern section, connecting CityLink and the Eastern Freeway. The statement further revealed bids for the first stage, or the eastern section, are being processed, with work is scheduled to begin in late 2014.

Work on the second stage, the western section, will only begin in late 2015. Both first and second stages of the project will be tolled. The East West Link’s eastern section is estimated to cost between $5.56 billion (AUD 6 billion) and $7.42 billion (AUD 8 billion), while the western section will cost between $7.42 billion and $9.27 billion (AUD 10 billion).