Video: Chinese cars levitate at crossroads

Watch as the vehicles appear to be grabbed by some invisible power, tossed around and chucked backwards up in the air. Startled onlookers stare at the van drivers struggle to get out of their cabs.
December 23, 2015

Watch as the vehicles appear to be grabbed by some invisible power, tossed around and chucked backwards up in the air.

Startled onlookers stare at the van drivers struggle to get out of their cabs.

But this was no alien intervention for traffic violations. It was, according to media reports after the event, the result of a large motorised streetcleaner whose large rotating brushes snagged a huge wire.

The wire was anchored solidly by an object on the far side of the intersection. When the streetsweeper grabbed the loose end on the other side of the intervention, the cable rose in the air and became taught, acting as a tripwire for the several vehicles.
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