Using the Trimble CenterPoint RTX subscription service with the RTX technology, POSPac MMS 8 is said to offer new capabilities for mobile mapping from land, air, marine and UAV platforms.
It can offer centimetre-level accuracy within one hour after data collection with just an internet connection. The firm says it can be used to map inaccessible regions that have no existing continuously operational reference stations (CORS) without the cost of deploying local base stations. It can also provide reliable uptime using Trimble’s professionally managed, highly maintained private network and automatically survey in dedicated base stations direct from POSPac: streamline map production work_ ow.
A key advance is the integration of the Trimble RTX technology into POSPac MMS. The package also includes several new features such as a tool to avoid reworking with separate QC software that can be commuted to the field for running quality control on the GNSS observations to ensure accurate specifications can be met before leaving the project area.