Russian road repair

The driver of a construction truck in the Russian city of Voronezh recently had an unwelcome surprise when his own vehicle became the centre for a major road repair. The mixer truck was being driven along the road to a construction site when it suddenly fell into a large hole in the roadway. No ordinary pothole, this was sufficiently large for the rear of the vehicle to tumble inside, leaving only the cab poking out. The driver managed to jump out and was unhurt. The truck was less fortunate however as the
January 14, 2015
The driver of a construction truck in the Russian city of Voronezh recently had an unwelcome surprise when his own vehicle became the centre for a major road repair. The mixer truck was being driven along the road to a construction site when it suddenly fell into a large hole in the roadway. No ordinary pothole, this was sufficiently large for the rear of the vehicle to tumble inside, leaving only the cab poking out. The driver managed to jump out and was unhurt. The truck was less fortunate however as the mixer was stopped from rotating, which then allowed the concrete to set hard. It took two days for the truck to be removed from the massive hole in the roadway due to the difficulty of extracting the heavy vehicle, made worse by concerns that a further section of the roadway could collapse. The incident caused major traffic congestion in the city as well as calls for an investigation into as to why the road could have collapsed, considering that it had been repaired only shortly beforehand.