Portable toilet

Regular readers of this page may remember news of plans by Japanese toilet manufacturer TOTO to produce an eco-friendly three wheeled vehicle. This motortrike, with the snappy name Toilet Bike Neo, has now been unveiled to a waiting public. Power comes from a 250cc single cylinder engine that runs on a biofuel originating from waste water or animal effluent. The toilet seat on which the rider sits is however purely for decorative purposes, as is the large roll of toilet paper mounted on top of the dummy cis
November 28, 2012
Regular readers of this page may remember news of plans by Japanese toilet manufacturer 4921 TOTO to produce an eco-friendly three wheeled vehicle. This motortrike, with the snappy name Toilet Bike Neo, has now been unveiled to a waiting public. Power comes from a 250cc single cylinder engine that runs on a biofuel originating from waste water or animal effluent. The toilet seat on which the rider sits is however purely for decorative purposes, as is the large roll of toilet paper mounted on top of the dummy cistern behind the rider. Comfort levels have not been revealed although it would seem that sitting on a toilet seat for long journeys may require additional posterior padding.

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