Pachyderm positioning

Visitors to a nature reserve in Thailand had an unusual animal encounter when an elephant decided to sit on their car. The nature reserve is close to the Thai capital Bangkok and the car owners had decided to see some wildlife. However, they had something of a shock when the elephant walked into the road and attempted to sit on top of the car, crushing it badly in the process. Luckily, both the car occupants and elephant were unhurt and will perhaps be more wary in the future. The incident happened during t
July 1, 2015
Visitors to a nature reserve in Thailand had an unusual animal encounter when an elephant decided to sit on their car. The nature reserve is close to the Thai capital Bangkok and the car owners had decided to see some wildlife. However, they had something of a shock when the elephant walked into the road and attempted to sit on top of the car, crushing it badly in the process. Luckily, both the car occupants and elephant were unhurt and will perhaps be more wary in the future. The incident happened during the mating season when elephant behaviour can be unpredictable, but quite how the animal assumed the silver car was one of its own kind is unclear. Elephant eyesight may be poor but their sense of smell and hearing are very acute.