Multi-storey parking

A car owner in Ukrainian capital Kiev has taken a novel approach to parking problems in the city, ensuring the vehicle has a space and is also free from the potential risk of theft. This has been achieved by parking the car on the balcony of an apartment block, several storeys up.
April 10, 2013
A car owner in Ukrainian capital Kiev has taken a novel approach to parking problems in the city, ensuring the vehicle has a space and is also free from the potential risk of theft. This has been achieved by parking the car on the balcony of an apartment block, several storeys up. Quite how the owner got the car up there or manages to take it out to drive is not immediately apparent. It seems likely that a crane would have been used to hoist the car into position and will be also needed to lower it down again. Quite what the authorities, or indeed the neighbours, think about this alternative parking space is unclear and use of the balcony underneath may not be advisable. However on a positive note, the car is not likely to receive a parking ticket unless the city’s parking wardens show keen climbing capabilities.