Launched at the CONEXPO-CON/AGG show, the petrol-powered vibrator uses a 50cc Honda petrol engine to drive the poker, mounted on a comfortable back pack harness.
Both the 50cc and the existing 35cc drive units now come with a revised throttle assembly that allows the operator to set the rpm and then use both hands to lift the poker in concrete. The drive assembly also features a quick-release function, allowing the operator to rapidly disconnect the poker drive to change sizes and to assist with removal from the concrete. All poker cores and casings are interchangeable between all Minnich electric and petrol-powered drive units.
“Minnich is passionate about making construction workers’ jobs easier and more efficient,” said Rob Minnich, vice president of marketing at Minnich. “Our new and improved back pack vibrators will help operators stay comfortable and consolidate concrete longer.”
The 50cc back pack will be available by summer 2017.
Minnich develops more powerful backpack drive
Minnich Manufacturing has developed a more powerful back pack concrete vibrator, delivering greater consolidation at increased depth. Launched at the CONEXPO-CON/AGG show, the petrol-powered vibrator uses a 50cc Honda petrol engine to drive the poker, mounted on a comfortable back pack harness.
March 8, 2017
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