Koegel pulls for extended trailers

Trailer manufacturer Kögel, together with freight transport provider Siegfried Serrahn, have put forward the case for the introduction of a 1.3m trailer extension within the European Union. Their proposition is for a combined vehicle length of 17.8m as compared to the Long Truck Total combined length of 25.25m. They recently presented their case using a scale model to the European Commission’s General Director Mobility and Transport DG MOVE. Having a length of just 17.8m, the extended semi-trailer combinat
May 19, 2015
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Trailer manufacturer 7223 Kögel, together with freight transport provider Siegfried Serrahn, have put forward the case for the introduction of a 1.3m trailer extension within the 1116 European Union. Their proposition is for a combined vehicle length of 17.8m as compared to the Long Truck Total combined length of 25.25m. They recently presented their case using a scale model to the 2465 European Commission’s General Director Mobility and Transport DG MOVE.  Having a length of just 17.8m, the extended semi-trailer combinations are more than 7m shorter than the long truck but offer up to 7tonnes more payload. Extended trailers are particularly economical and environmentally-friendly in comparison with conventional semi-trailer combinations, because of the increased volume of up to 10m3.

With stacked loading this allows transportation of up to eight more pallets. This results in a substantial reduction in fuel consumption per pallet transported, in addition to the reduced traffic load. The 10% lower CO2-emissions as compared with a standard trailer bas been confirmed by the RWTH Aachen University.
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