G&Z brings EGON IntelliMatics to Conexpo 2014

Guntert and Zimmerman is releasing a number of new developments at Conexpo 2014 including EGON IntelliMatics which uses telematics and the monitoring of engine functions to catch small issues before they become major problems. The same principle is used by the system to monitor all aspects of machine operations including hydraulic and electrical functions.
January 6, 2017
225 Guntert & Zimmerman is releasing a number of new developments at Conexpo 2014 including EGON IntelliMatics which uses telematics and the monitoring of engine functions to catch small issues before they become major problems. The same principle is used by the system to monitor all aspects of machine operations including hydraulic and electrical functions.

G&Z is also updating the TC1500 Texture Cure Machine which features new relocatable jacking columns, a new cure spray hood with a quick-width change feature, a new standard cure tote usability and new EGON Plus+1 Controls.

And the company’s S600 Multi-Purpose Slipform Paver has also been updated, to be equipped with new features including EGON IntelliMatics and TightTrack, which is a Tight Trackline Paving Package that allows contractors to pave with only 30cm (12 inches) of companion lane trackline.
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