Fire red Ferrari fun

The person who rented a 458 Italia in the UK may wish having paid slightly more for full insurance cover. The sporty red Ferrari, which has a top speed of 323km/h, was driven into a terraced house in the town of Luton, just to the north of London. The car was seriously damaged and had to be written off, much to the chagrin of the rental firm, while the 29 year old driver lost his €7,094.56 deposit. Quite how the driver, who had rented the high performance sportscar for a wedding, managed to crash into a hou
December 14, 2015
The person who rented a 458 Italia in the UK may wish having paid slightly more for full insurance cover. The sporty red Ferrari, which has a top speed of 323km/h, was driven into a terraced house in the town of Luton, just to the north of London. The car was seriously damaged and had to be written off, much to the chagrin of the rental firm, while the 29 year old driver lost his €7,094.56 deposit. Quite how the driver, who had rented the high performance sportscar for a wedding, managed to crash into a house and a Vauxhall car and end up with a VW taxi partially on top of the Ferrari has not been made clear. The incident did however prove that the nearly new Ferrari’s airbags are indeed, highly effective as the driver was uninjured. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the driver’s ability and the man may be best advised to stick to playing video games in future.

Meanwhile a Swiss owner of a Ferrari 458 Italia decided that the car was not prestigious enough (or perhaps, not sufficiently large to contain his ego). The man embarked on a scheme to set fire to the Ferrari and then make an insurance claim, with the funds then being directed to purchasing a different car. The 20 year old had been given the car as a gift by his doting father. But under cross-examination he explained that he was too embarrassed to say to his father that he thought the Ferrari unworthy of sharing a garage with his 14 other prestige cars. Instead the man opted to torch the 458 Italia with help from three others and was in Germany with one friend while the two others involved were busy setting light to the Ferrari. How the father feels for the flame red Ferrari’s fiery fate or for his son’s greed has not been revealed.