Early Lessons

A Chinese child has been given stern advice on road safetyfollowing an impromptu journey he made recently. The boy rode his motorised tricycle across a busy junction at Wenzou in Eastern China. His journey was viewed live on traffic cameras as the boy crossed the junction, apparently unconcerned at the rush hour traffic all around him. Footage that would turn any parent prematurely grey showed the boy happily driving his tricycle through the melee, as buses and cars roared past. The boy was being looked af
August 10, 2012
A Chinese child has been given stern advice on road safetyfollowing an impromptu journey he made recently. The boy rode his motorised tricycle across a busy junction at Wenzou in Eastern China. His journey was viewed live on traffic cameras as the boy crossed the junction, apparently unconcerned at the rush hour traffic all around him. Footage that would turn any parent prematurely grey showed the boy happily driving his tricycle through the melee, as buses and cars roared past. The boy was being looked after by his grandfather but managed to escape during a moment of inattention. Luckily a traffic policeman spotted the boy and pulled him to safety before returning the nonplussed child to the care of his worried grandfather, who is likely to pay rather closer attention to his grandson in future.