International Transport Forum

Registrations are open for the 2012 Summit of the International Transport Forum, which will focus on seamless transport. This global transport policy platform is linked to the OECD and will take place on 2-4 May in Leipzig, Germany. The event will bring together ministers, industry leaders and top experts from the Forum’s 53 member countries and beyond. The theme of the 2012 Summit is Seamless Transport: Making Connections and for the first time, China will be participating as a full member in the Summit.
March 20, 2012

Registrations are open for the 2012 Summit of the International Transport Forum, which will focus on seamless transport. This global transport policy platform is linked to the 3685 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and will take place on 2-4 May in Leipzig, Germany. The event will bring together ministers, industry leaders and top experts from the Forum’s 53 member countries and beyond. The theme of the 2012 Summit is Seamless Transport: Making Connections and for the first time, China will be participating as a full member in the Summit.

“Seamless transport is a powerful strategic vision for our future. Wherever people and goods move in highly connected ways, transport has proved a dynamic engine for growth and well-being,” said Takeshi Maeda, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan and Dr. Peter Ramsauer, Federal Minister of Building, Transport and Urban Development, Germany, in a joint welcome message.

Japan holds the presidency of the International Transport Forum in 2012. The 1102 International Transport Forum at the OECD is an intergovernmental organisation that acts as a strategic policy think tank for the transport sector and organises an Annual Summit of ministers. The Summit has become the leading platform for a global dialogue on the future of transport and mobility between policy-makers, business leaders, research and civil society.