Green accolade for Clearview Traffic

Clearview Traffic has been recognised in the Best Green Companies Awards for its ecological approach and work towards helping local authorities meet their environmental targets. The award, presented by the Sunday Times, sets out to identify and celebrate the achievements of the top 60 British businesses that are striving to improve environmental performance. According to the group, the accolade is in recognition of the work undertaken by Clearview Traffic in improving both its own environmental standards an
May 30, 2012
707 Clearview Traffic has been recognised in the Best Green Companies Awards for its ecological approach and work towards helping local authorities meet their environmental targets.

The award, presented by the Sunday Times, sets out to identify and celebrate the achievements of the top 60 British businesses that are striving to improve environmental performance.

According to the group, the accolade is in recognition of the work undertaken by Clearview Traffic in improving both its own environmental standards and of the development of innovative products and services which can be used by local authorities in minimising their impact on the environment.

For example, its 2696 Astucia SolarLite road stud uses solar power to illuminate an integral LED light source, increasing night-time visibility to “ten times that offered by a traditional road studs and thus reduces accidents by around 70%,” while the 3937 Golden River brand within Clearview Traffic also makes optimal use of technology in order to reduce the environmental impact of traffic management work. Its TPole solar-powered traffic counter provides the 1441 UK Highways Agency and authorities with vital traffic information and combined with the development of GPRS data collection means that fewer engineer visits to sites are required,reducing carbon emissions.

Clearview Traffic is working a number of organisations to introduce a number of green initiatives throughout the business.

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