Light, CAMS, action on premium asphalt recycling

CAMS had a sizeable presence at the recent SaMoTer-Asphaltica co-located exhibitions (3-7 May 2023), with the on-show Centauro XL 150.69 APR, an unmissable Italian market introduction to the new Centauro XL 150 APR series machines.
July 10, 2023
Light, CAMS, action on premium asphalt recycling


First presented at bauma in Munich (24-30 October 2022) and designed for the asphalt recycling industry, the APR acronym in the Centauro XL 150 APR series stands for Asphalt Pavement Recycler. The APR series combines one primary shredder supported by patented pre-crushing technology, one iron separator, a screening unit and a  secondary shredder. All these elements are combined in a single mobile plant powered by a powerful Diesel Cat C9.3 Stage V engine, ensuring the recovery of all removed slabs and milled asphalt while preserving the original bitumen content.

As well as all the other mobile CAMS machines, the new Centauro XL 150 APR series can operate in hybrid or full electric mode (without a diesel engine) for zero CO2 emissions. This premium mobile recycling plant is equipped with biodegradable lubricants and, says CAMS, guarantees minimal noise and dust emissions. The technology is also said by CAMS to greatly reduce fuel consumption and can supply electricity to work-site equipment using its integrated genset, thus ensuring optimum sustainability.

The Centauro APR series’ secondary shredder characterises the APR version differently from those units designed for recycling materials other than asphalt. Other highlights include automatic programs for shredding various material sizes, the ability to process wet materials, a single genset for supplying all components, high wear resistance and compact transport dimension.

Light, CAMS, action on premium asphalt recyclingThe APR series is available in two models: Centauro XL 150.56 APR, which can process up to 250 tonnes per hour. It is equipped with a primary shredder with a 1,500mm x 900mm surface and a two-deck screen (4,300mm x 1,300mm). The top-of-the-range Centauro XL 150.69 APR also offers up to 250tonnes per hour production and a 1,500mm x 900mm surface primary shredder. Its two-deck screen is larger than the Centauro XL 150.56 APR, coming in at 5,300mm x 1,300mm.

Speaking at SaMoTer-Asphaltica, Marco Venturi, CAMS’ technical director, says the Centaura XL 150 APR series is also designed for easy and economical maintenance and servicing.

Established in 2001 after the acquisition of TEM, a manufacturer of crushing plants since 1964, CAMS wasted no time building on its inherited near-40 years of materials processing know-how. The company is renowned for its innovative solutions for recycling aggregates, asphalt, rubble, and other waste material.

Headquartered in Castel San Pietro Terme, near Bologna, in Emilia-Romagna, CAMS has more than 600 installed plants in Italy. Thanks to a network of business partners and trusted dealers, the company is keen to increase its 200 installed plants worldwide.

CAMS’ UTM mobile crushers are another popular product series. Said by the company to be ideal for crushing and recycling aggregates, rubble and other materials, the fully-automated models can be managed by a single operator via remote control.

“We believe our market demand will increase over the next year as we offer green solutions for the future,” says Venturi, highlighting that many domestic asphalt recycling operators securing work, financed fully or partly by the Italian Government or the up to €800bn European Union NextGenerationEU coronavirus recovery strategy, will be keen to invest in more sustainable and efficient APR plants.

He adds: “In Europe, our machines are very popular. We are also looking to do more business in America. We exhibited at CONEXPO/CON-AGG 2023 [14-18 March in Las Vegas], and we got a very good reception for the Centauro XL 150 APR series as they are new products. If customers require bigger production, we can also design bigger solutions.”

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