Feature Test

Feature Test
January 13, 2015
Kramer 8095 EFH wheel loader
The compact Kramer wheeled loaders now feature new power plants
The conference heard that over recent years the Safequarry.com 178 Caterpillar
It is packed with vital information and opportunities for learning and sharing to prevent injury and ill health, but it does not always reach the people who might benefit most: those who work, sometimes literally, at the industry’s rock face.
However, it is said that MPA’s new Safequarry app will change this by reaching out to the many who have switched on to mobile devices for their web browsing.
Meanwhile, Amit Bhatia, founder and chairman of Hope Construction Materials, received the MPA’s John Crabbe Award for overall outstanding excellence in health and safety, the day after Hope reached 300 days without an LTI (lost-time incident) to any of its employees orSafequarry app will change this by reaching out to the many who have switched on to mobile devices for their web browsing.

Meanwhile, Amit Bhatia, founder and chairman of Hope Construction Materials, received the MPA’s John Crabbe Award for overall outstanding excellence in health and safety, the day after Hope reached 300 days without an LTI (lost-time incident) to any of its employees or
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